Juliana Keiko Sagawa
Juliana Keiko Sagawa
Doutora em Engenharia de Produção (EESC/USP)
: juliana@dep.ufscar.br
: (16) 3351-9530
Professora do Departamento de Engenharia de Produção da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar) desde 2010, atuando na área de Gerência da Produção, subáreas Planejamento e Controle da Produção e Pesquisa Operacional. Possui doutorado em Engenharia de Produção, mestrado em Engenharia de Mecânica e graduação em Engenharia de Produção Mecânica, todos pela Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos (USP). Realizou uma estadia pós-doutoral em Dinâmica em Logística na Universität Bremen, Alemanha. Atualmente realiza pesquisas na área de Planejamento e Controle da Produção, com ênfase em Modelagem Sistemas Dinâmicos, Simulação e Teoria de Controle aplicados a sistemas de manufatura. É líder do grupo de pesquisa DynProd.
Docent of the Production Engineering Department of the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar) since 2010, working in the field of Production Planning and Control and Operational Research. She has a PhD in Production Engineering, a master degree in Mechanical Engineering and a bachelor degree in Production Engineering, all from the University of São Paulo (USP). In 2016, she was a visiting scholar at Universität Bremen, Germany, working with Dynamics in Logistics. Head of rthe research group DynProd, her primary research interests lie in Dynamic Modelling, Simulation and Control Theory applications to Manufacturing Systems.
Grupo DynProd – Dinâmica de sistemas de produção e cadeias de suprimento
A dinâmica é o estudo de variáveis, comportamentos ou situações que variam no tempo. Neste grupo de pesquisa, os sistemas de produção e cadeias de suprimento são estudados a partir dessa perspectiva da dinâmica, utilizando métodos de modelagem dinâmica, simulação, modelagem matemática e inteligência artificial. Tal abordagem permite desenvolver modelos de sistemas de produção (e de sistemas de PCP) com controle de realimentação e controle autônomo, que são as bases dos sistemas inteligentes da Indústria 4.0. Além desse foco principal de pesquisa, que é quantitativo, são desenvolvidas também pesquisas qualitativas em planejamento e controle da produção, cadeia de suprimento, sustentabilidade, gestão de operações e estratégia e educação em engenharia. O grupo é flexível e diversificado em termos de formação e métodos de pesquisa.
Os métodos de modelagem dinâmica podem ser diversos. O método mais conhecido na Engenharia de Produção é o System Dynamics (SD), mas há outros métodos interessantes utilizados nas áreas de Eng. Mecânica e Elétrica. Assim, alguns projetos do grupo DynProd são multidisciplinares e algumas contam com parcerias internacionais de pesquisadores da Eslovênia, Alemanha e Holanda.
Lista de projetos atuais e encerrados: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1d-r0J1MQzanu-8KbVewghHvh7pL0KK2Y/view?usp=sharing
Página do grupo no CNPq: dgp.cnpq.br/dgp/espelhogrupo/7205327862430496
E-mail: juliana@dep.ufscar.br
Projeto FAPESP, 2019-2022: Modelos Dinâmicos para controle de sistemas de produção tipo job shop
DynProd Group – Dynamics of production systems and supply chains
The Dynamics is the study of variables, behavior or situations that vary over time. In this research group, the production systems and supply chains are studied according to this dynamic perspective, using dynamic modeling and simulation methods. This approach allows the development of production systems (and PPC systems) with feedback control and autonomous control, which are the foundations of the smart systems of Industry 4.0. In addition to this main focus of research, which is quantitative, qualitative research is also developed in the following areas: production planning and control, supply chain, sustainability, operations strategy and engineering education. Our group is flexible and diverse in terms of background and research methods.
The methods for dynamic modeling are diverse. The most well known in Production Engineering is System Dynamics (Forrester, 1960), but there are other interesting methods stemming from Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. Therefore, some projects of the DynProd group are multidisciplinary and count with international collaboration of researchers from Slovenia, Germany and Holland.
List of current and closed projects: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1d-r0J1MQzanu-8KbVewghHvh7pL0KK2Y/view?usp=sharing
Registration of the group at CNPq: dgp.cnpq.br/dgp/espelhogrupo/7205327862430496
Contact: juliana@dep.ufscar.br
Project sponsored by FAPESP, 2019-2022: Dynamic models for the control of job shop production systems
Time and flexibility have become important competitive factors. In order to gain competitive advantage from these factors, the companies? management and control systems must be able to cope with uncertainties and dynamic conditions. Nevertheless, several models developed for Production Planning and Control rely on averages and stationary conditions. A closed-loop dynamic model for production control of multiple products was developed by the coordinator of this project. The applied modeling methodology, based on Bond Graphs and Control Theory, allows several possibilities of improvement. In order to extend this body of knowledge, the present project proposes the following extensions/improvements: the implementation of different controllers to the model, aiming to improve the control performance; the modeling of the elements of the system as agents for the implementation of Model Predictive Control (MPC); the inclusion of other relevant variables, such as the set up times of the machines. The originality of the model under development motivates the continuity of this research. In addition, the review of recent international literature in the field shows that an increasing amount of dynamic models have been developed, especially for the analysis of production-inventory systems and Supply Chain dynamics. However, the use of Dynamic Modeling and Control Theory to solve Production Management problems in Brazil is still very incipient. This research aims to contribute for the development this field.